Whale skeletons and vacation time: Penn State 阿宾顿 faculty in the news

阿宾顿Capelotti 史密森学会

The National Museum of Natural History's whale warehouse, 在Suitland, 马里兰, is the size of a football field.

Credit: 史密森学会 Insider

阿宾顿,爸爸. — Members of the media often seek out Penn State 阿宾顿 教师专家. Recently, 华盛顿邮报 and 彭博.com asked 阿宾顿 professors for comments on two very different topics: a collection of whale skeletons and a Seattle startup that converts unused vacation time into other benefits.


P.J. Capelotti, professor of anthropology, at the site of the Nansen hut at Cape Norvegia, 弗朗茨约瑟夫兰.

Credit: Magnus Forsberg

华盛顿邮报 sought to tell the story of how the National Museum of Natural History at the 史密森学会 assembled its collection of whale skeletons, it turned to Penn State 阿宾顿's resident explorer P.J. Capelotti, professor of anthropology and a research associate of the Polar Center at Penn State. 

An international expert on polar exploration, Capelotti recently edited The Whaling Expedition of the Ulysses, 1937-38, a report written by U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant (j.g.)昆汀R. Walsh during an extraordinary year aboard a whaling factory ship. Capelotti conducted an extensive oral history interview with Walsh just six weeks prior to his death in 2000.

The data Walsh collected was used by a 史密森学会 curator to substantiate concerns about the whale population.

“They provided the scientific basis for showing that if you continued to harvest undersized whales, there would be no more whales left in the ocean,” Capelotti told 华盛顿邮报. 


朗尼金, professor of 经济学 and labor-employment relations at Penn State 阿宾顿.

Credit: Maria Narodetsky

一名记者 彭博.com朗尼金, professor of 经济学 and labor-employment relations at 阿宾顿, about a Seattle-based startup that lets workers trade unused paid time off for travel or contributions to 401(k) plans and health savings accounts.

Golden discussed the American "work hard, don't play" attitude that inspired the new firm's founder.

“There is workplace peer pressure to minimize using time off," Golden told 彭博.com. “You get these mixed signals. If you leave your work for a week or two, you feel like [work] will just pile up.” 

Golden's expertise includes work hours and schedules, workplace flexibility, 过度劳累, and student and contingent employment.


Penn State 阿宾顿, formerly the Ogontz campus, offers baccalaureate degrees in 18 majors at its suburban location just north of Philadelphia. Nearly half of our 4,000 students complete all four years at 阿宾顿, with opportunities in undergraduate research, the Schreyer honors program, NCAA Division III athletics, 和更多的. The Lion’s Gate residence hall will open in August 2017.
