阿宾顿二年级学生施展激情, aptitude for STEM into building career path


宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校大二学生贾瓦利·切里, 左, 和Burcu奥兹登, 工程助理教授, developed a thriving mentoring relationship that resulted in several high-level research opportunities for Cherry.

图片来源:Regina Broscius

阿宾顿,爸爸. — A 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 engineering major is flourishing academically and laying the groundwork for the future by capitalizing on opportunities open to undergraduates including research with faculty, 适用于他所在领域的校园就业, and presenting his research at a professional conference. 

查瓦利河樱桃, 来自费城的大二学生, enrolled at 阿宾顿 in 2021 and immediately began earning credits by analyzing data for a research project led by Burcu奥兹登他是工程学助理教授 讴歌 (阿宾顿 College 本科研究 Activities). 

Ozden quickly became a mentor to Cherry and a conduit for building connections in his budding career. 

“Dr. Ozden is not only an expert in the field and a highly interesting person, but she is also a minority like me and a woman and not from this country. She has been mentoring me, and she has been through a lot of what I need to do,他说. 

去年夏天, Ozden’s networks led her to recommend Cherry for a job as a research assistant at University Park’s Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering, 让·保罗·阿兰领导的实验室里, the Huck chair professor and head of nuclear engineering. 

“I was there for two months and worked with a post-doctoral student as well as people in the materials science lab. There were a lot of wonderful people who took the time to teach me, and I developed a deeper understanding of analyzing data and drawing conclusions from the data,“樱桃, who is majoring in aerospace engineering with a minor in applied math, 说.  

今年秋天, Ozden again played an important role in Cherry’s progression by supporting him when he applied to present his summer research at a regional conference of the American Physics Society. 他的海报, "The Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Physicochemical Properties of MoSe2,被选中, and he was the only undergraduate from a Penn State Commonwealth Campus to participate.  

“这是一次很棒的经历, and I had the time to talk to people from other universities about their projects. 他们大多是老年人, 这很吓人, but I learned a lot about navigating the research field,他说.  

As the result of his research experiences during his first and second years as an engineering major, Cherry is developing two articles to submit to scientific journals. 

“It’s a heavy lift writing for a scholarly article, and Dr. 奥兹登在帮我编辑. She is good at this, and she explains the process clearly. She is a really wonderful person and professor,他说. 

I’m African American, and it’s not really common to see a Black scientist. If you don’t meet anyone who looks like you along the way, 不要让它阻止你去做你想做的事.

——javari Cherry,工程专业大二学生

Cherry is working as a teaching assistant with a physics professor at 阿宾顿 this semester, and he is active in the campus engineering and finance clubs while contemplating career paths. 

“I really like the courses and working on projects with a team and developing my critical thinking — it builds pathways in your mind to better solve problems,他说. 

Cherry想成为一名工程师和研究人员, eventually developing jet propulsion techniques that are more environmentally sustainable. He also reflects on the whirlwind journey of his semesters at 阿宾顿 and encourages students to go all in on the major. 

“You don’t want to fall behind so prepare at every chance you get by watching lectures on relevant work, 管理你的时间, and understanding that a lot is going to happen academically and in life,他说. 

“You need to stay disciplined and motivated and see it through to the end. Remember that Nobel prize winners started out as regular researchers,“樱桃 continued. 

As a minority in a STEM major, Cherry has pointed advice for high school students.  

“I’m African American, and it’s not really common to see a Black scientist. If you don’t meet anyone who looks like you along the way, 不要让它阻止你去做你想做的事,他说. 


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