宪法 Day speaker at 阿宾顿 encourages thoughtful, educated voting

尼娜艾哈迈德, president of the 宾西法尼亚 Chapter of the 国家 Organization for Women

尼娜艾哈迈德, the president of the 宾西法尼亚 Chapter of the 国家 Organization for Women, marked 宪法 Day with the 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 campus community.


阿宾顿,爸爸. - - - 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 campus community marked 宪法 Day with an event featuring speaker 尼娜艾哈迈德, president of the 宾西法尼亚 Chapter of the 国家 Organization for Women, who encouraged students to educate themselves on the issues, 投票, 并在这个过程中帮助他人. 

Ahmad explained that as an immigrant who escaped politically fueled violence in Bangladesh, she treasures the American promise as outlined in the ever-evolving U.S. 宪法.  

“The 宪法 gives us the power to determine our own destiny. Every day we literally have to fight to protect democracy and be zealous in our support of the 宪法,”她说。. 

Ahmad acknowledged that younger people live in an era of information overload, and she advised them to sift through the noise so they can form their own opinions. 

“You have so many influences in your life telling you what to do or what to be, and finding your voice in that cacophony is difficult. Find a safe space so you can hear your own voice. Be accountable to yourself and learn to use our freedoms effectively,“艾哈迈德, 谁是经过训练的科学家, 说. 

Not all countries adhere to their constitutional documents, 她提醒全体教员, staff and students gathered in Lubert Commons. 

“We are a nation of laws, and we are fighting to interpret and apply them equitably. That brings up the challenge of working with people who don’t think like us. Start by having genuine conversations with each other,“艾哈迈德 说. 

我们要为世界而战, but we need to do it responsibly and thoughtfully by bringing everybody along. Keep those with the least foremost in our minds.

—尼娜艾哈迈德 , president, 宾西法尼亚 Chapter of the 国家 Organization for Women

非大选年选举, such as this November when neither a presidential election or nor a mid-term election takes place, are challenging because citizens may not think their 投票s have an impact. 艾哈迈德反驳了这种说法. 

“Although it may seem that there are only a few people to 投票 for in 2023, each election has a long arc such as with statewide judiciary elections. 稍后将有更多席位进行选举, and the person you 投票d for this year will be in office for some time. 要把眼光放长远。. 

最后, Ahmad extolled the students to think carefully about how candidates will impact their lives and to consider others, especially when it comes to reproductive justice and climate change.   

“These issues impact the world you are inheriting. 我们要为世界而战, but we need to do it responsibly and thoughtfully by bringing everybody along. Keep those with the least foremost in our minds. If we lift their boat, we lift all the boats,”她说。. 

妮可·斯托克斯,部门主管 社会科学、商业和教育 社会学教授, offered the audience copies of the 宪法 and asked them to review it often as reminder of the their primary rights and responsibilities as citizens. 

“We want you to be engaged citizens who understand the protocols and processes. 我们作为个人的权利是什么? What are the rights attached to our identities? It’s important even if you are not a citizen to pause and consider those important questions,”她说。. 


10月. 23, is the last day to register to 投票 in the Nov. 7选举. 浏览投票资源 威尼斯人娱乐信誉平台投票. 截至9月. 19, all 宾西法尼亚 residents may automatically register to 投票 when obtaining a driver's license or state identification.


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